With international travel proving very difficult at present, our ability to commission new machines has the potential to be affected. Thanks to having many years of growing customer orders, we find ourselves in an enviable position of having a lot of equipment out on...
Load bank control: In addition to NOVA and ORION (mentioned last week – read more here: https://crestchicloadbanks-me.com/fibre-optic-nova-control-system-is-a-winner-with-customers/), our tech team have developed the load bank control module, Gemini, for the...
Load Bank Controls: Crestchic’s new NOVA load bank control system is now in full production. This is the hardware platform that replaces the previous SOLAR MCS system. Likewise, the ORION AC control software supersedes the ECLIPSE program, and can be run on our new...
Crestchic Loadbanks is expanding its hire and rental business, bringing the latest load bank and power testing solutions to the Irish market. As one of the world’s leading specialist manufacturers of load banks, Crestchic has the experience and expertise to...
With power resilience, fluctuating energy demand and a move toward sustainable power sources very much a hot topic at the moment, Crestchic loadbanks is pleased to be working with the University of Chester’s Energy Centre, providing the loadbanks required to support...